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Merry Christmas

The Christmas season; decorations popping up around town, the sound of Christmas music wherever you go, trees atop vehicles, and of course the frantic bustle of shoppers searching for the perfect gift. Many around the world celebrate this time of year, but one should ask “Why?” 


Is it for the sake of tradition? An excuse to give and receive gifts? Or is it to celebrate the best gift one could ever receive?

Christmas Presents

Think about this...

Why do you celebrate Christmas?

What do you think it's truly about?

In the beginning, God created everything we see and declared that it was good. God created mankind and placed them in the Garden of Eden where He had close fellowship with them. He gave us a choice to follow Him or go our own way. Sadly, we chose our own way, which was rebellion (sin) against God. 


Our sin broke the righteous standard of God and separated us from Him. (Isaiah 59:2). The Bible says that the wages for our rebellion is death, both physical and spiritual, meaning a forever separation from our Creator. 


We see the effects of our rebellion all around us–wars raging, hatred and acts of violence and a constant search for true peace. In the heart of man, there is a separation and void that can’t be filled by any fleeting pleasure this world offers. 


We try to obtain forgiveness by good works or by clinging to anything that offers a reprieve from the emptiness we feel. But there is nothing we can do on our own to earn God’s forgiveness. 


So where does that leave us? Who could possibly step in to make the payment for sin on our behalf? It had to be someone who was completely blameless, without any sin in them. God had a plan to send a Savior into the world to bring mankind back into a right standing relationship with Him (John 3:16).


The prophet Isaiah wrote roughly 700 years before the arrival of this Savior how it would come to be. 


Isaiah 7:14 | Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel (which means God with us). 


He was born 2000 years ago in the small village of Bethlehem–the greatest gift mankind could receive. His name is Jesus.


Jesus lived a sinless life, modeling how mankind should follow God in truth and deed. Since the wages for our sin is death, Jesus stepped in and took that punishment in our place by being nailed to a cross. Jesus defeated sin on the cross and then defeated death by rising from the dead three days later. Your Creator gave His own life so you could have life and restored what was broken back in the Garden all those years ago. 

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”


As you gather with your loved ones, reflect on the true meaning of this special day and the gift offered by our Savior Jesus Christ.

  1. Why is the birth of Jesus so significant? 

  2. What does the birth of Jesus mean to you? 

  3. What is a gift? How do you feel when you receive one? 

  4. Ephesians 2:4-5, 8-9 |  But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God;  not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.


Have you accepted this gift? What does it mean to you?

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

For more information on what it means to follow Jesus, text GOSPEL to 97000

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